EBSR Campmaster Corp

What is the Campmaster Corp

The Campmaster Corps is a group of selected, trained, and registered Scouters who serve at EBSR whenever Scouting units/Families are using any part of the camp property. Campmasters select their own time and frequency of service.  The group is organized under the leadership of the Council Camping Committee.

Campmaster Duties

  • Provide Commissioner type support to units staying at EBSR.
  • Check units into camp upon their arrival.
  • Inspect facilities and check units out prior to their departure.  Making sure everything is ready for the next unit.
  • Be available to assist with problems or emergencies.
  • Work with the Camp Ranger on service projects, or your own. 
  • Season runs from August to mid June.

Sign-up / Questions

 Have questions, contact the Campmaster Corp Chair, Dan Maahs at dmaahs84@gmail.com.