Scouting Heritage Society
The Scouting Heritage Society of the Glacier’s Edge Council recognizes the men and women who believe in preserving the tradition and values of Scouting as well as perpetuating its future for generations to come.
Our Council acknowledges their foresight and generosity and bestows lifetime membership to all men and women who make an outright gift to the Trust Fund for Scouting of at least $1,000 or who designate a gift of at least $5,000 to be made through a deferred gift such as their estate. These gifts are appreciated and always will be important in perpetuating the Scouting Movement for the youth in our region.
James E. West Fellowship
James E. West was the first Chief Scout Executive of Scouting America and he served in the position for more than three decades.
The James E. West Fellowship recognizes gifts of $1,000 or more to the local council designated to its endowment fund. There are four levels of recognition in the James E. West Fellowship: Bronze ($1,000+); Silver ($5,000+); Gold ($10,000+) and Diamond ($15,000+). Donors may make cumulative gifts to reach Silver, Gold, and Diamond levels. Gifts can be made in cash or through marketable securities.
The gift must be in addition to – and not replace or diminish – the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support. Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else – such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver recipient, a retirement, a special accomplishment, or anniversary – or in memory of a special individual.
Download James E. West Fellowship Application
Second Century Society (Former 1910 Society)
As Scouting has moved into its second century, the Second Century Society’s name denotes the enduring nature of the organization.
The Second Century award is given to donors who make an outright gift of $25,000 or more payable over five years, or a deferred gift of $100,000 or more, to a local council, Scouting America Foundation, high-adventure base or any Scouting America entity for operating, capital or endowment. These gifts may be in the form of cash, securities, land, five-year pledges, or other property suitable for a council endowment fund or easily converted to cash. There are four levels of recognition in the Second Century Society: $25,000+, $100,000+, $500,000+ and $1,000,000+. Donors above $100,000 receive special recognition and opportunities provided by the BSA Foundation.
Download Second Century Society Application
Presidents Leadership Council (Former Founders Circle)
The Presidents Leadership Council recognizes gifts of $1,000,000 or more designated to or through the Scouting America Foundation payable over five years, as part of an advised fund, designated fund, trust or other Foundation fund structure. Gifts may be designated to benefit local councils, high-adventure facilities or other Scouting America entities. There are three levels of recognition in the Presidents Leadership Council: $1,000,000+, $5,000,000+ and $10,000,000+.
More information on planned giving is available on the Scouting America National Foundation website. For updates on finance news, giving resources and more, sign up for the Scouting America National Foundation’s weekly e-newsletter.